About Kaleidoscopic Aha!

I have Aha! moments everyday. They are kaleidoscopic - always full of color, shapes, and different ideas constantly in motion. I tell stories, write Affirmative Prayers, and share insights from my years of Life Experiences. My subjects are about Art, Meditation, Animals and Nature, Spirituality, the Other Worlds, Intuitive Readings, Numerology, Oracle and Tarot Cards, Shapeshifting, and more stories.  Some are informational essays that give an understanding of the stories themselves.

"I promise Something for Everyone. If there is a subject important to you missing, email me and I'll see what I can do."

Monday, August 24, 2009

Time for Woman to Come Together by Katherine Ari

Today is Monday, August 24, 2009.  Yesterday I did an Aura Feel Good fair at Inner Space in Atlanta.  I loved it.  I saw quite a few people and feel good about how it went.  I know I really want to see clients every day for half of the day and write my blog the rest of the day.  I also want to pursue organizing a Wise Women Society of mature women who use wisdom to work with other people - not ego.  

In the years to come, there are going to be lots of changes.  I am not really hung up on the fear of 2012 but there are changes happening everyday.  I believe strongly that the Wise Women play an important part of what is going to  take place in the societies as they will exist.

Too much of society has been dominated by the patriarchal or men.  The pendulum is swinging back to the feminine but we women have to consciously choose to create balance in the next worlds - not one dominating the other but equal authority.  It is really important for the women to support each other AS WOMEN - not women acting like men.  The calm wisdom of the older woman that keeps a clear head is critically important to big changes.  And we women ARE calm and level headed.  That also means that women as they reach maturity - usually after age 50 - do not listen to TV and Movies and other mass communication dominated by men that portray women as scatterbrained idiots that can't think for themselves.

As we come together and form a bond across the country and around the world, we gain confidence and support each other.  Down deep inside we have always known these truths but the vocal dominant part of society tries to tell us that what we know is NOT true. Now before my readers think that I am down on men, that is not the case.  I just know that it is really important that women have a voice because that voice is so important in these times ahead.  

I believe it is time to come together.  When two or more are gathered - I know what I know as a mature woman and if I am in communication with other women and we find out we know the same things, that makes what I know stronger.  Even if I step forward and speak my truths without anyone physically standing beside me, I know that they are there in spirit.  And we have to know about spirit.  It is One.

Katherine Ari 

Friday, August 21, 2009

Dreams and how to interpret them

Friday, August 21, 2009

On Sunday, I will be at the Inner Space at 185 Allen Rd., Atlanta, GA to participate in the Aura Feel Good day with other healers from 12 noon to 7 p.m.  Last night I dreamed of both a heavy snow and then of the ocean.  These are positive symbols, but I am not going into specifics just yet.  The point I want to make is that any dream can have general symbols, but each book on the market about dream meanings is subjective to the person writing the book.

For example, in one of my many books the color purple in a dream is regarded negatively.  But purple is a power color for me as it has always been my favorite color.  In my studies of astrology, I found that the color lavender, another shade of purple, is my soul actualization color.  I could never regard it as a negative occurring in my dreams.  

A dream symbol that is interpreted as a bad omen by one writer may be good by another school of thought.  And neither of them may mean to you what your subconscious is trying to tell you.  I may dream about flowers and gardens and "maybe" I am dreaming about my inner garden of Eden - but maybe, since we build gardens, I am just dreaming about my work.

On Sunday, I am presenting myself as the Wise Woman Healer.  I look at the list of the other healers who are focusing on one or two modalities and think about it.  Perhaps it could be a better way to attract people that are familiar with their speciality - but that just isn't my way to work.  My way is to work in whatever way my inner guide and inner "God" light tells me is the best way to work with someone.  It may be dreams or animal messages or guided visualization or something else. It starts with me finding out what the person I am talking to is seeking and then taking them in whatever direction their inner guide calls needs to explore.  

My dream, which had other significant symbols said to give joy and energy but also inner peace and quiet, to be creative, to follow my own unique spiritual path, and to show others how NOT to be afraid to take the inner journey.  I am beginning a new, busy and useful time leaping into the unknown. I am really excited, but a little nervous.  I know I will do well. 

I invite you my readers to come along on this journey with me - call, write me, or come to Inner Space - or even better yet, come to the Garden.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Announcement and Dream and Affirmative Prayer

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

First – An Announcement:

Inner Space in Atlanta is having an Aura Feel Good day next Sunday, August 23.
I, Katherine Ari, am participating as one of the Healers. The way it works – people come from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. and pay only $15 for 3 - 15 minute sessions with one of the Healers. There are many different kinds of healing workers that day. There will also be 30 minute talks by the healers. Since this is my first time I opted not to speak – but please come and request a session with me. Everyone who attends will fill out information forms and then the healers can contact you.

My work includes time in our private garden and is part of the treatment or session.
I am excited and hope to see you.


I dreamed about a row of evergreens the other night. The message of evergreens is to adapt to the situation whatever it is. In today’s economic challenge, it is time for each of us to adapt – to adjust how we do things and when we do things. Many occupations that have in the past been secure are not so secure these days. The thing is that prosperity and money still exist and we have to believe in prosperity – not lack. God made us all in the likeness of God. God IS prosperity and abundance. Everything we see is evidence of that because God made everything and continues to make everything. God made us and therefore we are also prosperity and abundance. It is REAL. Anything else is a false and temporary condition. But we must watch our thoughts. We create what we think about. Consciously, we must think about what we want to create – not what we don’t want – in our lives. And don’t forget to say thank you to others, thank you for the money we have and thank you for our abundant prosperity, thank you to God. These are the thoughts I choose to think today. And as they are a treatment I end my thoughts – and so it is!

Katherine Ari

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My Feelings about Past Lives

My Feelings about Past Lives
by Katherine Ari August 11, 2009

The idea of Past Lives is in many religions and spiritual philosophies. Even in the early Christian religion, it is told, the concept was voted out of the Bible at Constanople in 533 A.D. What I personally have found working with both adults and children and in my own personal journey is that it is possible. It is also possible that there is a Universal Thought out somewhere in the ethers that for reasons unknown, we as individuals tap into for our own growth.

The lesson of someone else’s life is sometime a lesson for my life today, here and now. Sometimes this “memory” seems to be a genetic memory. People feel they are related to someone now that was a relation in a previous lifetime.

To me, it doesn’t matter if it is a stream of Universal Thought or we are actually living another lifetime using lessons from a previous life. I believe the importance is what comes up when I am regressed or if I hypnotize someone is something pertinent to the now consciousness. But it has frequently been more though the bigger picture may take a few years to understand and manifest.

According to some laws of karma, easy past life recall is a sign of good karma – you get to remember these things. I guess I have some good karma because it comes to me like something that happened five minutes ago.

My first experience with past life recall was in 1979 shortly after Doug, my husband, and I became a couple. He knew an elder woman with a traditional Pentecostal background who did psychic past life regressions. Midge would hold a personal object of the people she was working with. She held a silver bracelet of mine and something Doug had made like a small sculpture.

As soon as she closed her eyes, she saw an ancient village. I was the matriarchal leader and Doug was my husband. I had died and his love for me was go great that he would not allow anyone to touch my body. He was slowly pulling a ceremonial platform through the crowd of sad people to a burial location. The platform was heavy and my body was lying on it as he pulled it by a rope. She started crying because she saw such devastation.

When she began to describe her vision, I saw it too. I was tall and thin with long fingers on graceful hands. I say my husband, my daughter who would take over for me, and my people. For a long time I carried this vision of a place before recorded time, but it also may be a future village after our earth, as we know it goes through some major changes. It doesn’t matter. Time is NOT linear. It is circular.

I remember many things about that life. When I focus on it, I remember more details. One story is about my daughters. They were both beautiful. One was strong and would become the leader after my death. She was healthy, confident, and very fair with her decisions. The people would follow her guidance.

The second daughter was delicate and beloved by all. She needed extra care and attention all of her life and protection. Her older sister loved her as much as everyone else and understood. There was never any jealousy because she received so much attention. She was an angel and was only allowed to be on earth in the family for a short time, dying young. We mourned her passing for a long time because at the time we didn’t understand why she had to leave so soon nor why she was so special.

The young girl has returned to a human existence many times. It is her job to bring special lessons to a family and friends. She never grows old enough to live as an adult, dying young each time.

Two years ago at the International Centers for Spiritual Living Youth Seminar in August 2007, we did an exercise called “Finding you Perfect Partner”. Caitlyn was my perfect partner. We only had about 20 minutes together but she touched my heart so deeply that we were forever connected.

The following Easter morning, Caitlyn died in a car accident. I cried desperately over and over for a long time. How could a 20-minute connection to a beautiful young girl be so profound? Why did it hurt more than I could explain?

One day, I knew. Caitlyn was my angelic daughter. Once again, she had come to earth to experience a brief human life, touching everyone in her life. Somehow knowing this bigger picture about the special angels eased my grief for both lifetimes. I am so blessed.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Time to Control the Changes we Want to be in our Lives

Today is Sunday and our speaker today at the Spiritual Living Center of Atlanta was the Reverend, David Barrett. He talked about the changes we are all growing through these days. The economy is going through changes and challenges. Most of us are having to take a look at our thinking and how we spend our money - as well as how we make it.

Change is guaranteed in life. Many people, as he brought up, want things to go back to the way they were. When we were going through water shortages during the recent drought, we were told to stop wasting water, conserve, and do things differently. Many people made some conscientious changes. Many people believed that things would improve and they could just go back to the same old habits and wasteful behaviors. And those are probably the same people wanting to go back to the way things were with their jobs and the economy.

But you can't go back. Changes are here. Wake up.

I was moaning one day how I hated getting old. And a woman younger and at that moment, wiser than me said, "Consider the alternative? If you don't get old, you are dead." We are making changes. We are shedding the old ways and ideas. We are creating waste products that when spread around are like manure on the garden. Quoting David again, "if we spread the manure and create fertile ground to grow something new, what do we get if we don't take control of what goes there? We get weeds and more chaos."

We are at the opening to grow something new in our lives. It is up to us to choose what we grow and take control of our growth. If we focus on lack and struggle, what are we going to grow? If we focus on love, abundance, gratitude, and a new economy, that is what we receive.

Let's take control of our growth and from the fertile ground let's grow something wonderful and beautiful. It's time and it's up to each of us to create the kind of world we want today and tomorrow.

Katherine Ari

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A Squirrel Story

Yesterday, my son went out into the yard to sit and think about what he wants to do next with his life. He discovered an injured squirrel who seemed to have a broken back and a small puncture wound. He and his dad decided to see if they could rescue it and at least protect it from the dog and cats in what appeared to be its dying process. They put on leather gloves but that wasn't enough. The little rodent bit through to Doug's finger and hard. Bleeding stopped and the squirrel was put in a wagon with a screen on top. At first we left it on the patio but our little part Russell terrier is a hunting dog - probably what happened to the squirrel in the first place - so they moved the wagon outside of the fence in the driveway as it was safer.

They gave it some water and our figs are ripe. Kyler put some figs in there with it. Later one was gone and the half moving squirrel had moved the others into a pile in the corner. Got up this morning and went to see if it was still alive. Although there was a screen tight on the wagon and towels on it to shade it and conceal it, the little guy was gone. It had taken one bite from each of the other figs and had somehow squeezed through a gap in the window screen. It is nowhere to be found.

I suppose the message it came to give to Kyler was complete and so was his presence. Did he go somewhere to die or climb up the tree? we don't know. Maybe figs are healing - for squirrels.