About Kaleidoscopic Aha!

I have Aha! moments everyday. They are kaleidoscopic - always full of color, shapes, and different ideas constantly in motion. I tell stories, write Affirmative Prayers, and share insights from my years of Life Experiences. My subjects are about Art, Meditation, Animals and Nature, Spirituality, the Other Worlds, Intuitive Readings, Numerology, Oracle and Tarot Cards, Shapeshifting, and more stories.  Some are informational essays that give an understanding of the stories themselves.

"I promise Something for Everyone. If there is a subject important to you missing, email me and I'll see what I can do."

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Plant the Seeds of Love

In 1985 religionists and Bible scholars from all over the world met together at the Jesus Seminars to determine what Jesus really said. According to their research, Jesus never claimed to be the Messiah. Jesus never claimed to be the only son of God. He is just the most famous one to use the God Power within. Their findings can be found in THE FIVE GOSPELS. The truth is he taught that we are all sons and daughters of God. We are all made in the likeness of God. Jesus was a human who knew how to use the God inside and that was the message to his followers - to be God and live God. I believe the quote goes something like - "Greater things will you do than I . . . " We all have this God power to create good and love. It is impersonal and responds to our thoughts or prayers. Every thought is a prayer and every thought is creative. It also responds to negative thoughts and there are too many examples of people with bad thoughts getting what they want. The phrase "What Would Jesus Do?" can be changed to "What would God do or What would Love do?" The meaning is the same. The more we take control of our thoughts and think what we want in our lives, the more we "DO" what Jesus or God would do. It is up to us to plant good seeds or beautiful and loving ideas in the fertile soil of our brains.