Reality shows have been around longer than the media like to admit. The Academy Awards and the Emmys as well as other reward shows are reality shows. There are unexpected turns of events and you don’t always know who is going to win. Certainly televised football games and other sports are reality shows. Any game show, daytime or nighttime, is a reality show. I confess. I like reality shows – well, some of them. I don’t like the ones where people are playing mind games and acting like jerks. I don’t like the ones where the “star” got the show because he can use a power trip and yell constantly at the contestants. Yet, with some of them like American Idol, So You Think you Can Dance or Dancing with the Stars, and America’s Got Talent, though the judges are sometimes too blunt, the criticisms are mostly honest – not vicious.
When The Biggest Loser entered the list, I really liked Bob, but Jillian’s get in their face attitude turned me off. I have always fought weight issues and know just what the contestants are going through. They already feel bad about themselves and her screaming at them seemed to be for the dramatic effect to stir up interest but harsh. Then for some reason she left for a season and they had this Barbie doll, Kim. She was sweet but didn’t get the results Jillian had with the players as well as the ratings NBC wanted. So Jillian came back and led the team that no one chose – the black team who came back and dominated the challenges.
Next season it was Jillian and Bob. I imagined trying out for the show, but could someone my age – a baby boomer get on the show? But then I considered what it would be like to have Jillian as my trainer and I didn’t want her screaming in my face. But over the many seasons it has been on, they have allowed her to show her other side. I still don’t understand why she and Bob feel they have to make the contestants hurt – other than the show has to move them fast and the drama helps the ratings. But beyond the hype, Jillian has shown herself to be compassionate and smart. They have to promote the sponsors but once I got one of her books I believe that she doesn’t really believe in some of the stuff they put on that show.
I was particularly drawn to her book, Master Your Metabolism. My husband, Doug, and I have spent many years and many dollars studying nutrition and all the diets out there. He has had times where he was over weight but currently it is his blood pressure, dark circles under his eyes, and weakness in his muscles with lots of fatigue that concerns both of us. My weight, blood pressure, late onset acne, and another issue I won’t go into are my concerns but I really just want to be healthy and live life to the fullest.
I read the book and studied it. Doug read it. We have long believed that raw food is really the best, but all the food prep and time involved as well as trying to maintain the regime while working on landscaping jobs has pulled us off the program over and over. I liked the idea of mostly raw organic food when available with some animal protein. Most of the raw food “experts” are strict vegans and have volumes proclaiming why you should not eat any animal products. Yet, in the back of my mind I remember a Cherokee elder woman saying if you have Type “O” blood type and have Native American Blood in you, you will find it hard to be 100% vegetarian. When I am eating the raw diet and sticking with it, I really don’t crave the meat. But when we are doing heavy labor jobs and too tired to make food when we get home ten or twelve hours later, the men especially want some sort of animal protein. Nuts and seeds and veggies just aren’t enough. And none of us feel like preparing anything much less have the time to do it. We go get the chicken house salad or some other form of chicken meal.
Jillian Michael’s book left me with many questions and comments but I have yet to find a way to directly inquire with her. Of course there is the disclaimer in the front of the book, but, one, I don’t have the money to go get my own endocrinologist and have an exam and tests done, and two, the comments and questions I have are not so involved that I should have to pay someone for the answers. The idea of our metabolism being out of whack is right and I really agree with the basic premises. But just making the changes she suggests does not detoxify a lifetime of issues in your body.
For example, Doug handled a lot of pesticides working on the farm when he was growing up. Though the food on the farm was mostly homegrown and not full of preservatives, he had a steady diet of white sugar in deserts and white flour in bread. I suspect that Kansas mothers and grandmothers did like most post World Ward II cooks did and add lots of sugar to everything - and fat. He was breastfed, but his brother and sister had a bottle. I had a bottle filled with Pet Milk and Karo syrup. So until I ate food, which was pushed very early, I was mal-nourished. Is it any wonder I had a potbelly like the malnourished tribal people in other world countries? And what I was fed when they started me on solid food was starch, fat, and sugar. It was what they did in those days. It is not any wonder that I have had weight problems all my life?
The food plans in the back of the book are good starting points but she is a little tiny woman. How can someone Doug’s size and being a man or someone my size eat such a small amount? Just reading the lists makes me hungry. There just isn’t much food – like 3 pieces of nitrate free bacon and half of a grapefruit are suppose to be a breakfast. And the idea of eating such small amounts every four hours AND exercising inbetween or working on a labor job does NOT work. In our case, we would get crazy or collapse. I do believe in portioning the servings but get in trouble when I get out shopping or paying bills and get beyond the four hours unexpectedly. Then I get really weak and shaky – and irritable. As with all “diets” it is about establishing your body’s needs into a rhythm that works for you.
All that being said, the Metabolism diet secrets are still the most effective way to make some changes in your lives. The reality is that if you want to be healthier, whether you are over weight or just unhealthy, you have to be ready to make a lifestyle change that is PERMANENT! No diet works if you think you can diet for a while and then go back to the old habits that caused the problem, whatever it was, in the first place. But we are stubborn. We rebel against never having those wonderful deserts and fried chicken we love and crave. We have always eaten for comfort, because of unhappiness or stress, or to be like everyone else. There is a list of excuses we make. Let’s be honest. It isn’t easy when the rest of society is out there eating crap and not worrying about it. Someone I know who is in my family says, “Just eat what you want” but boy does he get ugly about fat people. But you can’t just eat what you want if the imbalances in your metabolism have caused excess weight or high blood pressure or diabetes or acne or circles under your eyes or tumors or any other undesirable health condition.
If you have read my previous blogs, you know I believe in a spiritual connection with everything as well as belief systems and core beliefs. I will get into that more in future blogs. The most general thing I can say about this diet plan to balancing your hormones is eat whole foods, organic when you can get them and watch portions. That means eliminating the white foods – white flour, white sugar, white rice, and all the variations of processed food that are not real food. When you are watching what you eat, you don’t crave the sugar and non-organic whole grain bread as much. In fact, I can make an organic loaf of whole grain bread last 3 or 4 weeks. Fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, baked or grilled chicken and meats, organic dairy – I won’t eat any dairy if it isn’t organic, and no snack foods like chips and crackers are easy enough to find.
(end part one)
About Kaleidoscopic Aha!
I have Aha! moments everyday. They are kaleidoscopic - always full of color, shapes, and different ideas constantly in motion. I tell stories, write Affirmative Prayers, and share insights from my years of Life Experiences. My subjects are about Art, Meditation, Animals and Nature, Spirituality, the Other Worlds, Intuitive Readings, Numerology, Oracle and Tarot Cards, Shapeshifting, and more stories. Some are informational essays that give an understanding of the stories themselves.
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"I promise Something for Everyone. If there is a subject important to you missing, email me and I'll see what I can do."
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