In the years to come, there are going to be lots of changes. I am not really hung up on the fear of 2012 but there are changes happening everyday. I believe strongly that the Wise Women play an important part of what is going to take place in the societies as they will exist.
Too much of society has been dominated by the patriarchal or men. The pendulum is swinging back to the feminine but we women have to consciously choose to create balance in the next worlds - not one dominating the other but equal authority. It is really important for the women to support each other AS WOMEN - not women acting like men. The calm wisdom of the older woman that keeps a clear head is critically important to big changes. And we women ARE calm and level headed. That also means that women as they reach maturity - usually after age 50 - do not listen to TV and Movies and other mass communication dominated by men that portray women as scatterbrained idiots that can't think for themselves.
As we come together and form a bond across the country and around the world, we gain confidence and support each other. Down deep inside we have always known these truths but the vocal dominant part of society tries to tell us that what we know is NOT true. Now before my readers think that I am down on men, that is not the case. I just know that it is really important that women have a voice because that voice is so important in these times ahead.
I believe it is time to come together. When two or more are gathered - I know what I know as a mature woman and if I am in communication with other women and we find out we know the same things, that makes what I know stronger. Even if I step forward and speak my truths without anyone physically standing beside me, I know that they are there in spirit. And we have to know about spirit. It is One.
Katherine Ari
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